0800 038 5828
0800 038 5828

Divorce lawyers
At Beckett Solicitors, we know it can be difficult. Our divorce lawyers offer clear, honest advice and will always aim to get you the best possible outcome. Contact one of our offices in Rainham, Sittingbourne, Canterbury, Maidstone, Ashford and Croydon for more information

Divorce law is complicated
If you are ending your relationship and want the best possible outcome for you and your family, we can help. You will receive clear legal and practical advice from the first appointment, and you will be supported, listened to, and guided through the process.
If you want to do it yourself then we can help by offering, you as much or as little assistance as you need at a price to fit your pocket.
It is important to understand that divorce is a legal process and that you and your spouse have financial claims against each other which do not end on divorce. Divorce is a two-stage process. The divorce application which ends the marriage, is only the first stage of the process. The financial remedy application (which decides how income, assets and pensions are shared) is the second stage. Although it is possible for you to make a divorce application without a financial application, you cannot make a financial application without having first made a divorce application. Even if you reach a financial agreement you should speak to us about how to turn that agreement into a court order.
Whether you’re getting divorced or dissolving your civil partnership, it’s important to understand that the divorce proceedings are only one part of the process. At Beckett Solicitors, we have over 30 years’ experience advising and representing clients in divorce proceedings and can assist you with children and family protection orders should you require them.
Nadia and Kirsty are Resolution members and follow the Resolution code of conduct in all family disputes.

Stage 1
Divorce/Dissolution proceedings
The first stage is the divorce/dissolution proceedings which end the marriage/civil partnership. This includes the application through to the final order, which brings the marriage or civil partnership to an end. Divorce/dissolution proceedings typically take around 6 months and the online process is easy enough to do it yourself.

Our divorce lawyers will look after you throughout the process. Just speak to Beckett Solicitors.
Freephone 0800 038 5828