0800 038 5828
0800 038 5828
How can one solicitor advise me and my former partner or spouse?
Nadia explains here:
Nadia and Kirsty have trained with Resolution to offer this innovative new model, known as Resolution Together. It comes after the implementation of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act which allowed couples, for the first time, to make joint applications to end a marriage. As a result, we can offer a new approach to serve separating couples which reflects the change in legislation and the desire to reduce unnecessary conflict between individuals to the benefit of all those involved.
It means that one lawyer (Nadia or Kirsty) can provide advice to a separating couple who want to manage their separation together. It is suitable for those whose joint aim is to reach an outcome together that meets their needs and if they are parents, the needs of their children. It is not mediation because the lawyer is acting as a legal adviser and the advice given will go beyond simply offering neutral, legal information.
Resolution has worked with the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) to ensure that Resolution Together operates within current regulations.

Resolution Together can support you through separation. Talk to Beckett Solicitors to find out more.
Freephone 0800 038 5828